Phenomenology: for the first time, looking at the world properly! As an active participant in the field of further education...
Beauty will save the world! This is what the fool promises in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel The Idiot, and fools tell...
Coming from biology and chemistry, Christoph Hueck received his doctorate in bacterial genetics. He worked as a Waldorf teacher and...
Craig Holdrege is director of the ‹Nature Institute› in Ghent. Its goal is to broaden the view of nature from...
Iris Hennigfeld works on ‹Goethe’s Natural Science as Phenomenology› at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. She is also co-editor...
After cancellations due to COVID in 2020 and 2021, the conference of the International Network of Academic Steiner Teacher Education...
Rigid, still, immobile – these are some of the words we use to describe mountains. If anything, geologists are taught...
On May 14, the Day of Phenomenology took place for the second time to ensure more awareness of phenomenology among...
In the context of the present dire world situation, in which we witness ever-present threats of destruction and darkness, thoughts...
New things always enter the world through pain. Birth does not exist without pain. For new things, it is also...
Do you know the exhaustion where you can no longer see clearly? You run through the world, and you don’t...
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