McMinnville, Oregon. How can Waldorf education grow with young people? “Starlight Rays in Darkened Times” is an online seminar series...
Cigarette manufacturer Emil Molt and writer Hermann Hesse were friends during their school days and became close again later in...
For the first time, the instructors of Waldorf teacher trainings worldwide were invited to a meeting. What was the response? Wolfgang Held speaks with Philipp Reubke. Philipp Reubke There were 250 participants, some from quite far away—India, Japan, Taiwan, China, and South America. We were very pleased and will continue...
Teaching means taking responsibility. In keeping with the times, our relationships need to be reformed, rethought, and redesigned. Cristina Velasquez...
There are 250 training centers for Waldorf education worldwide. The importance of these institutions for anthroposophical cultural work can hardly...
Mullumbimby, Australia. What is the spiritual significance of annual festivals for children? In addition to its year-long online courses, the anthroposophical education platform EduCareDo organizes complementary events in which what has been learned can be experienced and deepened in person. On August 25, shortly before Michaelmas, an English-language workshop entitled...
In Britain, Rudolf Steiner’s impulse is transforming the lives of children and young people with learning differences and difficulties. For...
Belbes, Egypt. Holistic alternatives for the school system in Egypt. Since its foundation in 1977, the Egyptian initiative Sekem has...
Istanbul, Turkey. Waldorf education in Turkey is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. A tribute. What distinguishes the geography we live in are the experiences there and the seeds our ancestors left us. Anatolia is a very special part of the world that has preserved many such seeds in the...
Borchen, Germany. Being human in work and education. From May 17 to 20, Hamborn Castle, south of Paderborn in Germany,...
Waldorf education is not a program that is set in stone. No matter how many critics claim that Waldorf education...
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