The Mysteries of Eleusis, located near Athens, can be thought of as the “Mysteries of Mysteries.” Its cult was based...
The thinking of Paul of Tarsus has come down to us in his letters written in ancient Greek. To understand...
Aina Bergsma, Jon McAlice, Konstanze Brefin Alt, Günther Dellbrügger, Hao Bu, Isabell Klara, Bastiaan Baan, Vesna Forštnerič Lesjak, Hanna Sharma, Bonnie Baker, John Bloom and Christine Gruwez··
A year of uncertainty draws to a close, and on Christmas Eve, the stream of crises and catastrophes fades into...
On October 5, 2024, the foundation of the 12th Section for Inclusive Social Development at the Goetheanum took place amidst...
In October 2024, Zacharie Dusingizimana spoke at the international conference for Inclusive Social Development at the Goetheanum. He told of...
Stories written for others invoke the magic of healing. For Gleice da Silva, a teacher of children with support needs,...
Many communities are at a threshold where inclusion is taking on new meaning and challenging familiar ways of doing things....
Johannes Kronenberg has been researching and working on sustainable development and its spiritual and anthroposophical dimensions for seven years. Now,...
Did anthroposophical doctors follow, profit from, or oppose the medicine under National Socialism and its “New German Medicine” [Neue Deutsche...
Christiane Haid, Bodo von Plato, Angèle Ruchti, Iftach Ben Aharon, Tania Mierau, Coralee Frederickson and Yaike Dunselman··
At the 2023 Goetheanum World Conference, the Visual Arts Section, the Section for the Performing Arts, and the Section for...
All that is good, beautiful, and true comes in threes—sweet, salty, and sour; heads, hands, and hearts; darkness, light, and...
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