I have a custom of always writing down or formulating everything that comes to me from the spiritual world with...
Belle Leung and Jacinta Gorchs from the Pedagogical Section are coordinating the Resilience and Pedagogy research project. Resilience encompasses the...
Sometimes, we are touched by angels. When suddenly, out of the silence, the heart fills with gratitude, and tears flow from the soul, and it becomes blissful for a moment, then an angel has placed their hand on our shoulder. They are with us, standing behind us and supporting our...
Did anthroposophical doctors follow, profit from, or oppose the medicine under National Socialism and its “New German Medicine” [Neue Deutsche...
Christian Schikarski introduced the Medical Section’s new area of care at the 2024 Annual Medical Conference last September. Julia Demming...
“The authors of this volume, led by Peter Selg, have succeeded in drawing a nuanced picture of anthroposophical physicians between 1933 and 1945 through intensive study of source materials and a comprehensive reconstruction of the broad spectrum of actors.” This is what professors Thomas Beddies and Heinz-Peter Schmiedebach ascribe to...
When art helps us deepen our understanding of nature, art becomes research. Eduardo Rincón, co-leader of the Agriculture Section, engages...
Picture-forming methods like copper chloride crystallization, capillary dynamolysis, and round picture chromatography are now entering the era of computerized image...
How biodynamic preparations inoculate the soil. As a result of climate change, we’re finding that drought, cold, poor soil structure, and nutrient deficiencies in the soil have become major challenges (growth stress) for plants. The microbiome in the soil plays an important role in strengthening plants. The diversity of bacteria...
Rudolf Steiner met the poet and bon vivant Otto Erich Hartleben (1864–1905) in Weimar, together with whom, for several years,...
Research results show that the brains of the speaker and listener are coupled. Is this evidence for the sense of...
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