Coming from biology and chemistry, Christoph Hueck received his doctorate in bacterial genetics. He worked as a Waldorf teacher and...
Iris Hennigfeld works on ‹Goethe’s Natural Science as Phenomenology› at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. She is also co-editor...
Phenomenology: for the first time, looking at the world properly! As an active participant in the field of further education in Goetheanistic natural sciences, Anthroposophical pharmacy, and Biodynamic agriculture, I move in different circles, professions, and age groups. Again and again, I experience how crucial concrete practice in nature is....
Craig Holdrege is director of the ‹Nature Institute› in Ghent. Its goal is to broaden the view of nature from...
On May 14, the Day of Phenomenology took place for the second time to ensure more awareness of phenomenology among...
For more than 15 years, bird lovers have been meeting on Ascension Day at Hof Michael in Endeholz/Lower Saxony. Hans-Christian Zehnter from Dornach and Wolter Bos from Amsterdam always take over the guidance. In the beginning, it was a small group of trusted friends. Now, it has grown into a...
At the end of April, anthroposophically interested scientists met for the annual workshop for physicists and physics teachers. This time...
A quantum physicist annotated one of his talks with the following words: «I will tell you things that you understand...
Notions of how technology can improve people also intervene in the way we deal with infants. They are made palatable to us as healing, future-oriented and meanwhile inexpensive methods. In September, an issue of the weekly scientific magazine ‹Science› was published on the subject of ‹The Human Genome›. The leading...
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