Cairo, Egypt. Sekem receives an award. The story of Sekem begins in 1977 in the Egyptian desert northeast of Cairo....
A biodynamically managed farm is seen as an organism, a living being. At the annual conference “The Earth as a...
Margreid, Italy. Biodynamic viticulture in South Tyrol. The Alois Lageder family winery in South Tyrol has existed since 1823. In 2004, the Lageder family began to cultivate their vineyards biodynamically. The vision was to establish a circular economy integrated into the local ecosystem, encompassing all the family’s own land. Twenty...
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. Three days of inspiration and networking. From November 22-24, the US Biodynamic Association is hosting an international online...
What connections were there between biodynamic practitioners and Nazi organizations? What were their motivations for making certain decisions during the...
The production of animal products is criticized as being harmful to the climate. Cell-cultured products, which are grown in vitro from animal cells, are promoted as good alternatives. Are these really more climate-neutral, and what is the real cost—physically, mentally, and spiritually? “Cellular agriculture” develops agricultural products from cell cultures...
Järna, Sweden. Community network meeting in Sweden. This year’s Nordic Biodynamic Forum will take place from November 22 to 24...
Newington, Connecticut. In Her Boots is an open discussion group on mental and emotional health for women farmers with and...
Nayarít, Mexico. A new start for a biodynamic family farm. IKÚ is a biodynamic family farm in Nayarít, Mexico, founded seven years ago by Martha Ocampo and Alejandro Altamirano. The couple’s vision is to promote farming on a human scale—farming that is integrated into the local ecosystem and feeds the...
Aichelberg, Germany. The aim of the Wanderschule (the Wandering or Hiking School) is to enable people around the world who...
Puerto Princesa, Philippines. The next Asian biodynamics conference will take place in the Philippines. A group of young biodynamic farmers...
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