A film to encourage Social Threefolding. Over the past three years, a group of young people from Germany spent a...
On the new Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora – hopes and challenges. The...
The educator Robin Schmidt has been dealing with the consequences of the digital transformation of society for pedagogy for years. He received his doctorate on this topic from the University of Basel, contributed to the curriculum for digital media education at the Rudolf Steiner Schools in Switzerland, and is a...
Does the approach to teaching history in Waldorf schools need to be reformed? Michael Zech, professor at the Alanus University...
The Asia-Pacific Curative Education and Social Therapy Training will take place in Thailand beginning in October 2023. This autumn, a...
«Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.» Gerard Way In the Vana Parva of The Mahabharata, Yudhishthra is banished twice from his kingdom along with his brothers and wife, the second time for a period of 14 years. Overcome with shame and grief, he tells the visiting Sage Bhrihadsva...
As a Chinese proverb says, ‹It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.› This is exactly what...
Alfter, Germany. The Institute for Regenerative Economy (“Institut für Regeneratives Wirtschaften”, REGWI) at Alanus University offers training courses for refugee...
A panel discussion on dealing with presents for children. From October 2023 to March 2024, the “Kind im Glück” [Happy Child] lecture series will take place at Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences. In a series of lectures and discussions, specialists will address everyday questions about raising children. On...
Turkey. The Waldorf movement is still young in Turkey. Nisan Eskicioglu works with teachers who want to train as Waldorf...
More human, more world: this was a guiding motif in Josep Maria Esquirol’s opening lecture, echoing what lived at the...
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