In this summer’s globally successful film productions, Barbie and Oppenheimer, darkness and brightness, depth and surface confront each other. It...
In the third year of the Russo-Ukranian War, historians and political scientists are speaking out and offering their analyses in...
Reflections on the needs of participants and the training of a Latin American community of educators. A first milestone has been reached in the pilot project ‘Train the Trainers’ of the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International. One year after the start of the training, the cooperation was reflected upon. The participation...
Wir Kinder des Prometheus haben um das Feuer und mit dem Feuer die menschliche Kultur gebaut. Doch das geht nun zu Ende. Geht das Feuer in eine neue, eine menschliche Runde?
“A hammer only sees nails.” This is a saying about the power of narrative. Moods guide perceptions, feelings seek a...
Impressions from the Asian teacher training this year at the Acacia Waldorf School in the Philippines. «The goal is not just a goal. The goal changes the soul.» These two lines shared by one of our mentors started Jel and my wonderful 5-day intensive, brain-wracking, and truly enriching Asian Teacher Training...
In recent months, student protests against the Israel-Palestine War have emerged on university campuses, first in the United States, then...
The Sahara is particularly well-suited to questioning our ideas of boundaries and transitions, of the future, of freedom, and of...
Every temple is a bridge, a bridge between the human being and God, humanity and divinity. In the case of the Temple of Isis, this bridging applies on many levels. As a magnet for tourists, it builds a bridge from antiquity to the present day. The “Pearl of the Nile”...
If the first Goetheanum is an architectural image of inner development, the second calls on us to combine inner training...
The long anticipated and hoped-for conference of the Georgian Youth Society Parzival took place in August. In a moving account...
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