Anthroposophical education in times of crisis. The fourth Education Forum in Germany will take place from June 8-10, and we...
Istanbul, Turkey. Waldorf education in Turkey is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. A tribute. What distinguishes the geography we...
How can we use pedagogy to deal with the consequences of war and trauma? At the Rudolf Steiner House on May 9–10, there will be a double lecture and seminar with Berndt Ruf. Ruf is well known as a doctor in anthroposophical emergency and trauma education which he advocates for...
Germany. A call for public discussion on the digitalization of education in an interdisciplinary and scientifically sound manner. Academics from...
The Waldorf movement has been growing in East Africa since the 1980s. In 2007, individual educational initiatives joined to form...
San Francisco, California. A Waldorf conference in the United States. The world is changing at a rapid pace, and social and technological conditions are changing with it. The resulting culture is not all good; it also presents serious challenges that have the potential to negatively impact children in their most...
On behalf of the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development, Sonja Zausch visited initiatives in Moldova in early April. The...
For the first time, the instructors of Waldorf teacher trainings worldwide were invited to a meeting. What was the response?...
Impressions from the Asian teacher training this year at the Acacia Waldorf School in the Philippines. «The goal is not just a goal. The goal changes the soul.» These two lines shared by one of our mentors started Jel and my wonderful 5-day intensive, brain-wracking, and truly enriching Asian Teacher Training...
A short essay on how ‹actually› became self-light. «Actually, time for an afternoon nap, but playing in the sandbox together...
If you are able to laugh despite the difficulties of life, it provides you with the distance you need to...
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