Individuals are interwoven with the events of the outside world. How we want to deal with this is entirely up...
Summertime is magical. The breath of life can be compellingly sensed through nature’s ecstasy. Even for a convinced materialist, immaterial...
1 The secret of the human soul is that its wisdom nature is not explained by its earthly existence; you cannot find the bottom of the soul during the day. In order to understand all its nature, other experiences must be added. These consist of following it to its nocturnal...
Intimacy is within and without. In the aridity and solitude of the desert, I am thrown back on myself, while...
In the northernmost Waldorf kindergarten in the world, Tromsø in northern Norway, children have been looking forward to January 21...
In a linear system of time, the beginning and end are absolute. If the passage of time is viewed in interconnected yet distinct cycles, the time horizon expands: what was before the beginning, and what will be after the end? This brings into view an intermediate period between two epochs...
Together with the European Academy of the Culture of Landscape Petrarca, the Peace Project Tamera, and the Academy for Applied...
On Christmas Eve, a child is born into the world. Not only that—a star rises. He is the star that...
In the search for the law of cause and effect in an exclusively external world, modern science has had incomparable success. No god, no spirit has been able to resist it. Mechanical laws are enough to explain everything. The technical achievements resulting from this new worldview have seemed like proof...
A sparrow was sitting on a bush in front of the house. He didn’t seem to be afraid of us....
When perception and meaning appear to us as a unity in an image, we recognize them as landmarks or imaginations....
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