Can we find a path, as farmers and as human beings, that helps alleviate the suffering in the world? At...
Grappling with the questions, “How can we make biodynamic farming accessible and relevant to Israeli farmers, and how can we...
From May 23rd to June 27th, the Agriculture Section is offering an online course on nutrition and food quality. The course is based on Rudolf Steiner’s suggestion that the focus should not be on a full stomach, but on the mental stimulation that occurs through nutrition. Quality is formed in...
From wheat, we bake bread. Our ‹daily bread› represents our daily nourishment in general. But where does wheat for bread...
USA. Eden’s Almanac is a new biodynamic calendar app that enables farmers and gardeners to track the local weather and...
Clear words from the biodynamic movement concerning genetic engineering in organic farming. In the European Parliament, the environment and agricultural committees are currently negotiating and voting on new laws regarding the use of genetic engineering in EU agriculture. The first draft bill, presented by Swedish politician Jessica Polfjärd, provides for...
The Platform for Agricultural Socioeconomics analyses the transfer of family farms and identifies knowledge gaps and the need for action....
The first series of Biodynamic Conversations, a new webinar of the US-based Biodynamic Demeter Alliance, took place earlier this month...
Meeting the natural needs of an animal – from breeding to slaughter. Demeter prescribes best animal husbandry practices for farm-based production enterprises. Specialized farms that are smaller than 40 hectares are exempt from this. Ruminants, due to their manure, ensure that the material cycle is closed – they also enrich...
Since 2020, the Demeter China Association (DCA) has been working to ensure that Biodynamic Agriculture is developed locally. To this...
What is health, and what promotes resilience and stamina in people? There is a lot of evidence that cooperative, interested,...
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