The Freie Landbauschule Bodensee is offering its next biodynamic master course at the beginning of 2024. The course focuses on...
After numerous attacks on Anthroposophy, esotericism and homeopathy, Anna-Katharina Dehmelt of the german anthroposophic magazine ‹Info3› looks at the attackers....
Bad Vilbel, Germany. The Anthroposophical Society of Germany is organizing a climate conference on June 14 and 15 entitled “Human Transformation—How Do We Build an Atmosphere For the Earth?” Here is an interview with Monika Elbert, Member of the Board and Secretary General. How did the impetus for the climate...
From September 2023 to June 2024, the digital learning portal eLearning Waldorf is offering teachers an interactive online course [in...
The end of nuclear power in Germany. After 66 years, and two generations, the last operating nuclear power plants in...
Marcelo da Veiga has been the new editor of ‹Steiner Studies› since January 1st. Veiga will publish the international trade journal together with Hartmut Traub in the future. Christian Clement remains actively involved with the journal as a member of the Advisory Board. Veiga is a Professor of Philosophy and...
The Anthroposophical Society in Germany chose its topic because of current events and the increasing questions about honest coexistence. A...
Since the fall of 2015, a dozen young artists and cultural professionals from Germany and Switzerland have been meeting with...
How does current medicine take the living into account? What concepts and methods enable the study of the living in medical research? From May 13-15, a research congress of the Medical Section and the Integrated Accompanying Studies in Anthroposophic Medicine (IBAM) will take place at Witten/Herdecke University. The meeting will...
Berlin, Germany. The “Weil’s hilft!” (Because it helps!) initiative has succeeded in collecting 50,000 signatures in favor of keeping Germany’s...
Iris Hennigfeld works on ‹Goethe’s Natural Science as Phenomenology› at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. She is also co-editor...
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