A Good Atmosphere for the Earth

Bad Vilbel, Germany. The Anthroposophical Society of Germany is organizing a climate conference on June 14 and 15 entitled “Human Transformation—How Do We Build an Atmosphere For the Earth?” Here is an interview with Monika Elbert, Member of the Board and Secretary General.

How did the impetus for the climate conference come about, and what are your concerns?

Three years ago, we set up a climate forum that meets on a regular basis. Since then, we have been awarding grants from the Foundation for Research Promotion [Stiftung zur Forschungsförderung] for research in this area. In dealing with forces of decline, we also sense many forces of emergence. As a civilization, we have largely decoupled ourselves from nature. Ultimately, the impending climate catastrophe is an expression of a global crisis of relationships. Technical and political solutions are urgently needed, but fundamental change can only be achieved by each individual. With this conference, we want to initiate a change in consciousness towards a humane world based on free will.

What contribution can anthroposophy make to the climate crisis?

In order to understand the climate crisis at a deeper level, we need a spiritual formulation—a language that is able to give the understanding of the earth as a living being, that seeks to open up the deeper connections, and touches our depth of will. To understand that everything is connected to everything else, we need a spiritual perspective that goes beyond the sensual and a courageous way of thinking. The development of our own humanity and an understanding of the earth as a living organism can no longer be separated. And this is precisely where great potential lies.

What will happen at the conference?

We have invited many climate activists and want to reach young people in particular. A lot of it will be about encounters, including self-encounters. An overarching goal in the climate issue is to leave the role of the observer behind. It is about waking up at a deeper level, about creating an atmosphere for life itself. The global ecological crisis cannot be turned around without our individual responsibility and development, nor without working to heal social conditions. We need each other for this. After all, the loss of biological life goes hand in hand with the impoverishment of human life and cultural diversity. To counteract this, we will develop ideas, take the initiative, and forge alliances. We will develop the potential contribution of the anthroposophical movement to this human crisis.

More Menschlicher Wandel – Wie bilden wir eine Atmosphäre für die Erde?

Translation Charles Cross
Photo NASA

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