At the midpoint of a particularly significant year for the Anthroposophic Society, while deep in contemplation over his time as...
Individuals are interwoven with the events of the outside world. How we want to deal with this is entirely up...
In the search for the law of cause and effect in an exclusively external world, modern science has had incomparable success. No god, no spirit has been able to resist it. Mechanical laws are enough to explain everything. The technical achievements resulting from this new worldview have seemed like proof...
Charged with a significant task by the first head of the Mathematics and Astronomy section, Elisabeth Vreede, Willi Sucher devoted...
The spirit is an event. Through the spirit, the I takes hold of itself. ‘Spirit’ is such a big word...
An excerpt of a lecture given at the opening of a Hilma af Klint exhibit at Lightforms in Hudson, New York, on March 8, 2020, by David Adams, Ph.D. When her mother died in 1920, af Klint felt more free to travel and in September began to undertake regular journeys...
The Visual Art Section is organizing a conference in Great Britain at Ascension on the theme: «The Inspirations of Megalithic...
What dying tells us about life: The last leaves, already pale on the graphic undergrowth, and the moment of finding...
When perception and meaning appear to us as a unity in an image, we recognize them as landmarks or imaginations. ‹Imagination› is one of the more complex concepts of Anthroposophy, which is difficult to understand based on cultural and epistemological theory. On the cultural level, it is accompanied by a...
Life is always designed. It is always a present form that changes in time. In general, we perceive these phenomena...
‹Sivdnidit› is a blessing of the Sami, the reindeer nomads of the European north in Norway. Their closeness to nature...
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