Those who want to immerse themselves in Anthroposophical history in English can become patrons of a new podcast. On the...
Like a wave, deep powerlessness is flowing through the world. It means the unimaginable has happened. We are stunned. What...
Marginalia on the Life of Rudolf Steiner, Number 27. While in Weimar, Rudolf Steiner maintained a friendship with the Bock family. He was probably introduced to them in October 1890 by the Danish writer Rudolf Schmidt because, like Schmidt, the engineer and brickworks owner Otto Bock (1850–1913) was originally from...
Janusz Korczak was a doctor who came to the conclusion: if I want to do something substantial for the health...
An attempt to synthesize from the research on his journey to the oriental spiritual centers of the 14th and 15th...
Pythagoras is said to have been the first to call the sky and the universe ‹kósmos›. This suggestion resonates with the image of Pythagoras, which to this day conveys an influential tradition: the image of the initiate who was able to experience the universe as a living assembly of musical...
Cigarette manufacturer Emil Molt and writer Hermann Hesse were friends during their school days and became close again later in...
One hundred years ago, on May 2, 1924, Rudolf Steiner’s friend and collaborator, the artist Edith Maryon, died. Barbara Schnetzler...
A news item, “History Classes That Speak to Our Times,” featuring Michael Zech, professor at Alanus University and history teacher at the Waldorf School in Kassel, was published in our Weekly last year. Here are excerpts from one reader’s reaction, summarized by Gilda Bartel and followed by Michael Zech’s response....
According to recently deceased Egyptologist Jan Assmann, bringing the image of the eternal into the world of change was the...
In 1994, when Klaus Schmidt discovered the buildings of Göbekli Tépé on the Turkish-Syrian border and dated them to 11,000...
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