Having been asked what kind of vision Rudolf Steiner developed in 1923 for the Anthroposophical Society after the Goetheanum burned...
According to recently deceased Egyptologist Jan Assmann, bringing the image of the eternal into the world of change was the...
Albert Vinzens’ remarkable biography of Renate Riemeck (1920–2003) succeeds in sketching a detailed and authentic picture of his subject. Vinzens considers (and I certainly concur) that Riemeck’s masterpiece was her lectures in Marburg on the pioneers of education (chapter 8), which were published posthumously through funding by the Software AG...
A look at the United States is unavoidable. Especially for the past several decades, the world power has shown itself...
Rudolf Steiner’s landscape design reveals a harmonious interplay between the building impulse and what was given by nature. Before construction...
Marginalia of Rudolf Steiner’s Life and Work, No. 23 – In peripheral encounters, and once directly, Ludwig Berger circled around Rudolf Steiner. Above all, his Bible commentaries developed with Emil Bock were a gateway to spiritual science for Berger. Ludwig Berger (originally: Bamberger) was born on January 6, 1892, into...
Marginalia on Rudolf Steiner’s Life and Work 24. In Memory of Friedwart Husemann. A few months before moving to Weimar where he...
I have made great efforts to investigate the scene of the Temptation and to relate it as it actually transpired....
Marginalia on Rudolf Steiner’s Life and Work. Rudolf Steiner studied for eight semesters [1879–83] at the Technical College in Vienna—as a student of the “General” Department, which existed alongside the specialist departments: The School of Engineering, the School of Architecture, the School of Mechanical Engineering, and the School of Chemistry....
If Renate Riemeck (1920-2003) is known at all today, it’s as Ulrike Meinhof’s foster mother or perhaps as the author...
At the recent World Teachers’ Conference, there was an event devoted to themes on the tasks of the School for...
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