Rudolf Steiner’s landscape design reveals a harmonious interplay between the building impulse and what was given by nature. Before construction...
After the 2023 General Assembly and with a view to the coming years, the Executive Council of the General Anthroposophical...
The School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum researches contemporary questions and themes for global society as well as the origins of our existence, the evolution of humanity, Earth, and the cosmos. Indeed, grand visions are addressed, visions in which inner and outer life meet but also in which ideal...
After graduating from the Anthroposophical Studies program at the Goetheanum in 2016, Andrea de la Cruz worked at the Youth...
At the midpoint of a particularly significant year for the Anthroposophic Society, while deep in contemplation over his time as...
The similarity in sound and etymology of the words ‘healing’ and ‘hallowing’ point to much that medicine and religion have in common. In the last year of his life, Rudolf Steiner addressed this connection between doctor and priest, therapist and pastor. To ‘heal’ means to intervene in consciousness, and thus,...
It was a particular test for the Goetheanum: the ‘Parsifal’ performances brought a thousand visitors to the Goetheanum on three...
The Visual Art Section is organizing a conference in Great Britain at Ascension on the theme: «The Inspirations of Megalithic...
These days, most of us don’t have a vocation but a job. This isn’t because we change our work so frequently (basically every 3-5 years for the average American), but because we work for money. Your work is not a commodity. It’s your reason for being here. The word ‹vocation› comes from...
One hundred years after its reestablishment, the General Anthroposophical Society is taking on the task of broader participation by members...
For 35 years, Johannes Wirz supported and significantly shaped the work at the Research Institute at the Goetheanum. With his...
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