The Human Dance Project

“Human” is a dance project that pupils and students developed together with people with support needs under the direction of an experienced choreographic team. The performance was the highlight of the founding ceremony for the Section for Special Education and Inclusive Social Development.

Although we had talked a lot about this project, I still didn’t know what to expect. First and foremost, we students were able to have an experience of what it is like to work with very different people. During the rehearsals, I quickly realized how much the residents of Hofs Wagenburg valued other things and how different their perceptions of the world and of themselves are. I had to remain very flexible and still try to follow the structure given by the leadership as closely as possible so as not to throw anyone off track. There were some difficult situations where people were tired and didn’t want to participate or didn’t understand that they had to stand in a different place. However, I was impressed by the passion that accompanied us every day and kept us happy.

I realized that the people with assistance needs were like a mirror of myself. If I didn’t like it anymore, some didn’t want to join in; if I was insecure, others got scared. Every day, we got to know each other better and were able to assess who had which needs. Sometimes, I also needed a moment to myself so that I could absorb and process all the impressions and information.

By the end of the week, we were a big community that stuck together and encouraged each other. The performance was an experience I will never forget. It was nice to be able to show other people that it doesn’t matter what you look like or what you can do and how amazing people are, even though we’re all not perfect.

Translation Laura Liska
Image Impressions of the human dance project, Photo: Xue Li

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