In time for the 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s course Education for Special Needs, a twelfth Section of the School...
English Issue 35/2024
English Issue 35/2024
When we think of “inclusion,” we often think of people with special assistance needs who can participate equally in a community. The Latin, includere (to include, surround, enclose) can also be applied to the “I” that I can become only through including “you.” So, when we become “exclusive,” what do we exclude? Everything in ourselves that is different, new, imperfect, unknown, dark, frightening, unexpected, vulnerable, and mysterious. To exclude something is to withhold hope of wholeness. In this respect, the founding of the Section for Curative Education and Inclusive Social Development as the twelfth in the round dance is a symbol of the possibility of becoming whole.
Geniuses and people needing support have one thing in common: the unconditionality with which they deal with conditions. For some,...
Chemistry and the social sciences belong together. Reality emerges from the combination of different perspectives. In the third natural science...
McMinnville, Oregon. How can Waldorf education grow with young people? “Starlight Rays in Darkened Times” is an online seminar series...
During my social work internship, I met many different people with assistance needs. My very first encounter with the people...
Truus Geraets (1930–2023) was a pioneering spirit and a bon vivant. Why did she choose to dedicate most of her...
For three years, Victoria Öttl has been painting the verses of the Soul Calendar. Her works will be on display...
Arlesheim, Switzerland. Facilitating company growth with the art of movement. The training course “Bewegte Prozessbegleitung” [Moving process support] for the...
Antwerp/Ghent. Living anthroposophy every day. September sees the start of the third round of the nine-month Belgian course ”Alchemy of...
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