Does art have a real effect in the world, or has it become merely a platform for politics? Our author...
German Issue 22/2024
German Issue 22/2024
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? – Wer bewacht die Wächter? Das fragte der römische Schriftsteller Juvenal vor 2000 Jahren. Er mag noch nicht wie Rudolf Steiner die Idee des sozialen Organismus vor Augen gehabt haben, und doch hat er deren Kern erwischt. So wie Blut und Lymphe im Körper kreisen, in der Homöostase die Mitte finden, so sollten Kreisläufe auch im Zusammenleben das Mit- und Füreinander regeln. In diesem Sinne fragen jetzt mit der Worldwide Teacher Education Conference die Verantwortlichen der Waldorf-Ausbildungseinrichtungen: ‹Wer bildet die Ausbildenden aus?› Antworten finden sich hier im ‹Goetheanum›.
Paris, France. An exhibition of the abstract artist, Auguste Herbin. An exhibition of the works of French painter Auguste Herbin...
An intensive art week with the Section for Visual Arts. Among Rudolf Steiner’s most astonishing achievements is the radical transformation...
This fall, a new one-year art course taught in German will begin at the Goetheanum. What impulse has driven the...
There are 250 training centers for Waldorf education worldwide. The importance of these institutions for anthroposophical cultural work can hardly...
Darmstadt, Germany. How the earth becomes clothing and clothing becomes the earth. Since its foundation in 1954, the Demeter label...
Philmont, New York. Playful art courses for everyone. For those looking to nurture their inner artist this summer, the donation-based...
Teaching means taking responsibility. In keeping with the times, our relationships need to be reformed, rethought, and redesigned. Cristina Velasquez...
Colmar, France. From July 10 to 14, the Goetheanum will host the Theater Festival. The French Théâtre de L’Homme Inconnu...
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