Germany. A call for public discussion on the digitalization of education in an interdisciplinary and scientifically sound manner. Academics from...
McMinnville, Oregon. How can Waldorf education grow with young people? “Starlight Rays in Darkened Times” is an online seminar series...
Jonathan Stauffer steps out; Johannes Onneken steps in Before becoming a Waldorf teacher, Jonathan Stauffer worked as a bookseller at the Paul Haupt Verlag [publishing house] in Bern, Switzerland, and as a production manager at NordSüd Verlag. Life eventually led him to the Rudolf Steiner Verlag, which he headed since...
As early as 100 years ago, progressive educators were concerned with allowing children to be children, not integrating them into...
Waldorf schools are strengthening their safeguarding concepts to prevent violence and abuse. The safeguarding concept was a first step in...
It is called ‹Loi de vigilance› in France, ‹Lieferkettengesetz› in Germany, ‹Supply Chain Act› in the US, and ‹Wet Zorgplicht Kinderarbeid› in the Netherlands. The goal is always to commit companies and hold them liable for ecological or social violations, even outside the legal area of their own country. However,...
It has been ten years since I decided to articulate a philosophical anthropology – an understanding of the fundamental situation...
The time of grand feelings lies in our childhood and in the childhood of humanity. Just like in our personal...
The Stockmar company, true to its philosophy and culture, celebrates its first century as a «date with the future». Hans Stockmar can rightly be called a world citizen in the best sense. His early years are characterized by a lot of moving around – born in Sydney in 1890, he...
The UFO/UAP phenomenon raises hard questions about technology, consciousness, and politics. In this article, scholar Aaron J. French describes how...
The founder of the clothing company Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard, has converted his company into a foundation committed to climate protection....
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