The finale of this four-part series considers how anthroposophy inspired the foundations of Waldorf Education as practically applied and transformed...
The third in this four-part series looks at key topics in anthroposophy that have become fundamental for teachers in Waldorf...
Nikki Silvestri is the founder and executive director of Soil and Shadow. She’ll be giving a keynote address titled “What Ecosystems Teach Us About Human Systems” at this year’s US National Biodynamic Conference, November 8-12 in Colorado, USA. Silvestri’s unique approach to inclusion, leadership, and organizational development takes cues from...
The pen may be mightier than the sword, but we can’t escape the sword’s power to corrupt the word—the conditions...
Sekem is one of the most successful ventures to emerge from anthroposophy and develop an identity of its own. In...
The second in this four-part series looks at the differences between presenting anthroposophy to a group of practicing Waldorf teachers or to a public audience with a general interest in Waldorf Education. Part 1 of the series can be found here. Because Waldorf Education has grown out of anthroposophy, there...
In her book Wanna Waki – My Life with the Lakota, school founder Isabel Stadnick, a Swiss woman, tells the story of marrying...
A film to encourage Social Threefolding. Over the past three years, a group of young people from Germany spent a...
Katharina Müller has been a professional musician on stages in Germany and around the world for almost 20 years. For the last nine years, she has been practicing another profession: she is a supervisor, mediator and coach, working with people in a wide range of social settings. Gilda Bartel interviewed...
Alysoun Bolger is co-executive director of the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International (BFDI). Bolger first encountered biodynamics while training as a...
Part 1 – Current Representations of Waldorf Education in the Public Media. Waldorf schools, anthroposophy, and Rudolf Steiner are currently...
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