Kyiv, Ukraine. The beginning of the Youth for Peace initiative. The genesis of the multinational Youth for Peace initiative began...
Saguramo, Georgia/Dortmund, Germany. The founding of the Free University. The number of members of Youth for Peace grew rapidly. By...
The Future Shapers, members of a working group of the newly established twelfth section, describe their experiences at the Inclusive Social Development conference. We, the Future Shapers, are young professionals with a shared enthusiasm for inclusive social development, community building, and innovative leadership practices. We build bridges to learn, share,...
It is more than just a peaceful atmosphere—indeed, something of the essence of peace itself seems to be present at...
Buchenbach, Germany. Touched by the medical conference: Klaus Adams, specialist nurse in psychiatry from Germany. The conference on aging culture...
Córdoba, Argentina. Moved by the medical conference: Mónica Virginia Olivero, a doctor from Argentina. This was my first time attending the Annual Conference of the Medical Section. I came with great anticipation to deepen the theme of therapeutic intuition and to meet medical and therapeutic colleagues. Of all the things...
Schauspiel Stuttgart is showing the new production, The Education of Rudolf Steiner, by the British-Irish theater collective Dead Centre. Tickets...
The more diverse a meadow is, the more stable its identity. That makes sense to us. But what shapes our...
Cairo/Lisbon. Honoring Egyptian biodynamics. In July, the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity was awarded in Lisbon, endowed with one million euros. This year’s prize winners include the anthroposophically oriented organization Sekem and the Egyptian Biodynamic Association (EBDA), which it founded. The award recognizes the organizations’ many years of work strengthening biodynamic...
One of the tasks proposed for the Youth Section 100 years ago was the creation of a program aimed at...
Dornach, Switzerland. To mark the 100th anniversary of biodynamic agriculture, Steinbeisser (Stone Biter), a studio for “experimental gastronomy,” transformed the...
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