In her search for recovery and an inner home, Marion von der Wense was inspired to create a new and...
Nagomari, Georgia. Antonia Hugo from Germany is one of the youngest members of the Free University in Nagomari, Georgia. Here,...
One hundred and one years ago, Rudolf Steiner gave the members of the Anthroposophical Society the Foundation Stone. The fourth verse is the moment of transformation, but also the center of the text—there, we hear how the Christmas light shines forth for the first time. After the threefold call in...
Stories written for others invoke the magic of healing. For Gleice da Silva, a teacher of children with support needs,...
“A hammer only sees nails.” This is a saying about the power of narrative. Moods guide perceptions, feelings seek a...
A sparrow was sitting on a bush in front of the house. He didn’t seem to be afraid of us. I moved nearer to get a better look at the brave little bird. As I carefully brought my hand closer, he got interested. A few seeds were enough to entice...
Recently, a rumor spread that Noam Chomsky, who was hospitalized in Brazil, had died. It turned out to be false,...
The Pfandring [deposit ring], developed in 2012 by Paul Ketz, wraps around public rubbish bins to offer an easily accessible...
Christiane Leiste, former Waldorf teacher, conflict mediator, coach, and mindfulness teacher, hosted a special event at her seminar venue in Hamburg at the end of May. Fourteen people came to discuss German-Jewish trauma. The discussions were held in English. Myrna Lewis, founder of the “Lewis Deep Democracy Method” for conflict...
Immanuel Kant is celebrating his 300th birthday! What better reason to follow the thoughts and insights of the founding father...
Ecstasy and asceticism are states of the human soul in which nearness to God plays out. They are extremes that...
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