Antwerp/Ghent. Living anthroposophy every day. September sees the start of the third round of the nine-month Belgian course ”Alchemy of...
Otse, Botswana. Anthroposophic training on the African continent. As part of the All Africa Anthroposophic Training (AAAT), an open conference...
Borchen, Germany. Being human in work and education. From May 17 to 20, Hamborn Castle, south of Paderborn in Germany, will host an education festival organized by anthroposophical associations and the Anthroposophical Society. The festival will be a place where young people can find inspiration for their professional future. There...
Paris, France. An exhibition of the abstract artist, Auguste Herbin. An exhibition of the works of French painter Auguste Herbin...
Naples, Italy/Überlingen, Germany. Biodynamics under different climatic conditions From August 6 to 16, the Israeli organization Adama Haya is organizing...
Colmar, France. From July 10 to 14, the Goetheanum will host the Theater Festival. The French Théâtre de L’Homme Inconnu will be performing the Shakespeare play, “La Nuit des Rois” (“Twelfth Night”) there. An interview with the director, Marc-Alexandre Cousquer. What is the performance about? This comedy is a mixture...
Ytterjärna, Sweden. An inclusive cultural festival in Sweden. From June 24 to 28, this year’s Allkonst Festival (All Arts Festival)...
Berlin, Germany. The “Weil’s hilft!” (Because it helps!) initiative has succeeded in collecting 50,000 signatures in favor of keeping Germany’s...
Chestnut Ridge, New York. A new introductory anthroposophical course in the US state of New York. If you live in the United States and would like to be introduced to anthroposophy from the ground up and become artistically active, you have the opportunity to participate in the part-time English-language course...
Ukraine. Two priests talk about life in a state of emergency. For two years now, people in Ukraine have been...
Goetheanum, Dornach. Question! Encounter! Play! [Frage! Begegne! Spiele!] is the title of an artistic learning program that aims to make...
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