It starts with me, but it’s not about me. In considering our personal relationship to the world, we usually discover...
The Doppelgänger or ‹double› cannot be taken into the palace square of the deity. It must be dissolved – or,...
Life is always designed. It is always a present form that changes in time. In general, we perceive these phenomena as living, to which we grant a relationship to space and time, even if not entirely transparent, but always ordered. And such a relationship is always present in living beings....
In a linear system of time, the beginning and end are absolute. If the passage of time is viewed in...
Novalis’ poetry and prose reveal a master of inner development. His entire inner life was directed towards the blue flower,...
Throughout the Middle Ages, we can find the image of a dove flying into the ear of evangelists to inspire them. The being ‹behind› the people was decisive – impressively manifested in the pharaoh’s statue of Khafre, behind whose head the Horus falcon is placed. With the development of central...
The short life of Friedrich von Hardenberg brought him to an initation at the grave of his beloved. Out of...
In their sleep, human beings enter a world from which they supply their life body with the forces that strive...
A small book dealing with a big issue, ‹Breathing with the Climate Crisis›, has recently been published at the Goetheanum. Following the 2021 conference of the same name, jointly organized by the Youth Section and the Section for Agriculture, this ‹Call for a New Relationship between Humanity and the Earth›...
The spirit doesn’t reside in the head, nor does it do so in the pineal gland, or in the neocortex....
Therefore a request is brought forth: everything should create its own time. It creates its rhythm, which must interweave with...
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