The podcast waldorflernt [Waldorf Learns] is offering a series titled “sexeducation” with episodes dedicated to topics on sex education and...
The best possible support for the next generation of educators The Center for Anthroposophy (CfA) in the United States, in...
Ethical AI? “[T]o understand something or someone so completely that the observer becomes a part of the observed—to merge, blend,...
Clear words from the biodynamic movement concerning genetic engineering in organic farming. In the European Parliament, the environment and agricultural...
A survey to improve the services of the Biodynamic Federation. In addition to its certification services, the Biodynamic Federation Demeter...
New Scientific Publication on the Effects of Homeopathy A report published in the scientific journal Systematic Reviews at the beginning...
“From the sun—through the Earth—for the human being, so that humanity may one day become a sun for the earth.”...
Does the approach to teaching history in Waldorf schools need to be reformed? Michael Zech, professor at the Alanus University...
Aleksandra Domańska used to work as a manager at the Polish branch of the chemical and pharmaceutical company Bayer. Today,...
A call to all who live or work with anthroposophy. We invite you to help make the “Foundation Stone for...
A digital space for spiritual and personal reflection at the turn of the year. The Sophia Institute, in East Olympia,...
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