In early December 2024, Amwort, the speech formation institute in Dornach, began its new Theater Arts Course, and its first...
Ausgabe 48/2024
Ausgabe 48/2024
In dieser Ausgabe feiern wir die Gründung der zwölften Sektion am Goetheanum, der Sektion für Heilpädagogik und inklusive soziale Entwicklung. Anfang Oktober fand die große Jubiläumstagung statt, von der Sie Beiträge in diesem Heft wiederfinden. Außerdem haben wir ergänzende Beiträge gesammelt, die einen Einblick in die Vielfalt der Initiativen und Themen dieser Bewegung geben. Viel wichtiger ist, was sich daraus allgemein lernen lässt: Jeder Mensch braucht Seelenpflege! Jeder Mensch hat Assistenzbedarf! Und: Inklusion betrifft uns alle!
St. Verkh-Neyvinskiy, Russia. Special needs educator Vera Simakova from Russia was at the conference for inclusive social development. Blagoe Delo...
On October 5, 2024, the foundation of the 12th Section for Inclusive Social Development at the Goetheanum took place amidst...
Stories written for others invoke the magic of healing. For Gleice da Silva, a teacher of children with support needs,...
The field of inclusion is broad, but its benefits are the same everywhere and for everyone. Bart Vanmechelen, part of...
Nosotros, We have entered a journey of healing together.Who am I? Who are you? Who are we to do this...
Pará, Costa Rica. Waldorf teacher and special needs educator Olga Rojas Rodríguez from Costa Rica was at the conference for...
Lakewood, Colorado. Renata Heberton from Angelica Village, USA, was at the conference for inclusive social development. Angelica Village is an...
In October 2024, Zacharie Dusingizimana spoke at the international conference for Inclusive Social Development at the Goetheanum. He told of...
Many communities are at a threshold where inclusion is taking on new meaning and challenging familiar ways of doing things....
The Future Shapers, members of a working group of the newly established twelfth section, describe their experiences at the Inclusive...
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