The mental health of children is an issue all over the world, which also raises questions for Waldorf Education. Goetheanum...
Constanza Kaliks and Philipp Reubke head the Pedagogical Section at the Goetheanum. In the series ‹Anthroposophy – an Extension of...
«Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.» Gerard Way In the Vana Parva of The Mahabharata, Yudhishthra is banished twice from his kingdom along with his brothers and wife, the second time for a period of 14 years. Overcome with shame and grief, he tells the visiting Sage Bhrihadsva...
After cancellations due to COVID in 2020 and 2021, the conference of the International Network of Academic Steiner Teacher Education...
A serious study on the role of humor in pedagogical practice. It prevents blockages, regulates the heat balance, helps with...
If you are able to laugh despite the difficulties of life, it provides you with the distance you need to reconnect. Laughter raises above everyday worries without ridiculing them. Every human being has experienced humor. What is humor though, actually? Let us begin, as befits a serious treatise, with a...
Aesthetic education has three meanings. To start, it means education through a high proportion of artistic activities. Every child that...
As early as 100 years ago, progressive educators were concerned with allowing children to be children, not integrating them into...
According to police statistics, the number of crimes has continued to fall in 2021 – but the number of violence and abuse of children has continued to increase dramatically. In a recent statement, the Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen (Federation of Waldorf Schools) in Germany (BDFWS) has welcomed the efforts of...
International Conference for Curative Education and Social Therapy from October 5 to 9. This year, the focus will be on...
A short essay on how ‹actually› became self-light. «Actually, time for an afternoon nap, but playing in the sandbox together...
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