Danke für den hervorragenden Artikel. Die vorgetragene Sicht ist dringend... Matter Isn’t Made of Matter Markus Sutter
- please pass on my thanks to Martin Rozumek and... Matter Isn’t Made of Matter Ann Reeves
My thanks to Martin Rozumek and Hans-Christian Zehnter for their... Matter Isn’t Made of Matter Ann Reeves
yes there is an old book that talks about how... I Feel, Therefore I Am Ralph Meyen
This remark from Sven Saar troubled me greatly: 'Rudolf Steiner... A Phoenix Sarnia Guiton
Ich war immer zutiefst fasziniert von der Skulptur "Menschheitsrepräsentant". Mein... Turning Away Is Not an Option Rina Schulze
Dear Mr. Held, I appreciate your view on this phenomenon... A Bagful Every Day Tom McIntyre
Thank you Janette. How can I email you directly? I Feel, Therefore I Am Andrew Hill
Thank you for this excellent article. You have clearly articulated... I Feel, Therefore I Am Mark McAlister
Thank you, Laura. What a potent quote to end your... Turning Away Is Not an Option Karen Margrete Olsen
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