What else does it take to escape the trap of stereotype? A critical extension to the article Hypermoralism Kills Freedom,...
The subjective body is an experience. Through this body, the I finds its destiny. To begin with, a brief clarification...
The soul is an occurrence. Through it, the I meets the world. A being provides valuable information when we enter...
The spirit is an event. Through the spirit, the I takes hold of itself. ‘Spirit’ is such a big word...
Not everything is loud, shrill, and terrible in the world today. There are also quiet tones that are easily overheard,...
Building a network for people who make preparations. The growing movement for Biodynamic Agriculture has now spread across the globe....
In his Notebook #210, Rudolf Steiner writes about a combinatorics of body, soul, and spirit that would be suitable for...
The fundamental difference between spiritual and sensory perception is apparent: with the latter, it is always possible—due to external solidity—to...
The similarity in sound and etymology of the words ‘healing’ and ‘hallowing’ point to much that medicine and religion have...
A film to encourage Social Threefolding. Over the past three years, a group of young people from Germany spent a...
Individuals are interwoven with the events of the outside world. How we want to deal with this is entirely up...
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