San Francisco/Toronto. Conferences on Spiritual Science in North America. In September, the Literary Arts and Humanities Section of the School...
A Natural Science Section conference day in English and French on April 24th, as part of a three-day conference on...
From the 25th to the 27th of November the Goetheanum will be hosting the conference ‹Threefold Order Switzerland›. The impact of the measures against the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine has further destabilized world conditions. All over the world, people are longing for adequate provision of the necessities...
Wilton, New Hampshire. Renewal for body, mind, and soul. The US Center for Anthroposophy offers annual “Renewal Courses.” The one-week...
Kiental/Frandeux. Inner centering with anthroposophic medicine. The four elements of earth, water, air, and fire are the basic substances of...
The Visual Arts Section. Rik ten Cate has created a bronze statue for each verse of Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul. The 52 sculptures will be on display at the Goetheanum from February 23 to April 28, 2024. “I have known the weekly verses for over 40 years,” says...
Paris, France. A lecture on the relationship between spirituality and secularism. At first glance, secularism and spirituality seem to indicate...
Blue Hill, Maine. A conference on the intrinsic nature of water. What if we gave water back its archetypal movements...
In keeping with the theme of the 2023 annual conference of the Medical Section, the speech and language therapists dedicated this year’s specialist conference to the immune system. In the encounter and conversation with the environment, our immune system learns to distinguish between “inside” and “outside,” “own” and “other,” and...
“From the sun—through the Earth—for the human being, so that humanity may one day become a sun for the earth.”...
Dornach, Switzerland. The largest conference of the Youth Section in five years, the International Students’ Conference 2024, will be held...
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