A biodynamically managed farm is seen as an organism, a living being. At the annual conference “The Earth as a...
“Join us in exploring and discovering how we can create a more meaningful world together!” invite the staff of the...
Ytterjärna, Sweden. An inclusive conference as a space for participation. Adult education programs, especially in international contexts, are often inaccessible to people with cognitive disabilities. In order to cultivate more inclusion in these areas, the conference series ‘“Community in Conversation” was launched. The events, which are designed as traveling conferences,...
San Francisco, California. A Waldorf conference in the United States. The world is changing at a rapid pace, and social...
Ashburton, England. Participation in Waldorf 360 is now free of charge. Being a specialist teacher at a Waldorf school can—professionally...
Kiental/Frandeux. Inner centering with anthroposophic medicine. The four elements of earth, water, air, and fire are the basic substances of which the world around us and the world within us are made. If the elements are in balance, we experience our existence as harmonious. If the elements are out of...
Zeist, the Netherlands. Two workshop days with Shelley Sacks. The Atelier Anthroposofie in Zeist, the Netherlands, organizes regular “Inspiration Days,”...
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. Three days of inspiration and networking. From November 22-24, the US Biodynamic Association is hosting an international online...
Kassel, Germany. Christoph Quadflieg, curative educator, singing teacher, choirmaster, and singer, ran Sing’in at Kassel Central Station this summer, a store where people can experience their musicality. In this interview, he talks about the initiative. What is your intention at Sing’in? I would like to create a place where all...
Mannheim, Germany. A panel discussion on organ donation. In Germany, organ transplants are usually associated with long waiting times. There...
Paris, France. A lecture on the relationship between spirituality and secularism. At first glance, secularism and spirituality seem to indicate...
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