Kafka and the Anti-Semitism of 2024. On the 100th Anniversary of the Writer’s Death. I have no mandate and am...
San Francisco/Toronto. Conferences on Spiritual Science in North America. In September, the Literary Arts and Humanities Section of the School...
Cigarette manufacturer Emil Molt and writer Hermann Hesse were friends during their school days and became close again later in life, especially around the time of the founding of the first Waldorf School in 1919. However, Hesse did not seek a relationship with anthroposophy. More than twenty years after their...
In Britain, Rudolf Steiner’s impulse is transforming the lives of children and young people with learning differences and difficulties. For...
Urphänomen is an online spiritual scientific research guild and reading group led by Matthew D. Segall and Ashton K. Arnoldy...
Shortly after Rudolf Steiner’s death, the art critic Max Osborn recounted an incident during his time as editor of the Magazin für Litteratur [Magazine for Literature]: “One day, we all received a strange letter, in which the mighty master of the Magazine communicated to us that, unfortunately, something fatal had...
In cyclic causality, the effects themselves become the cause of the causes. The view from the center—a summation of all...
A touching collection of memories, written by his colleagues at Rudolf Steiner Archive after his unexpected death this autumn, reveals...
When I make my way through a bewildering landscape, after a long and strenuous effort, and can survey the whole scene from atop a mountain peak, many things become clear—almost as if in one fell swoop. Some things I had to laboriously explore “down below”; others were not even on...
Herein lies the paramount importance of memory as the stepping-stone from sentient to intellectual soul. Memory, as the German word...
Novalis’ poetry and prose reveal a master of inner development. His entire inner life was directed towards the blue flower,...
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