In cyclic causality, the effects themselves become the cause of the causes. The view from the center—a summation of all...
A touching collection of memories, written by his colleagues at Rudolf Steiner Archive after his unexpected death this autumn, reveals...
When I make my way through a bewildering landscape, after a long and strenuous effort, and can survey the whole scene from atop a mountain peak, many things become clear—almost as if in one fell swoop. Some things I had to laboriously explore “down below”; others were not even on...
Herein lies the paramount importance of memory as the stepping-stone from sentient to intellectual soul. Memory, as the German word...
Novalis’ poetry and prose reveal a master of inner development. His entire inner life was directed towards the blue flower,...
Fairy tales are a path of thinking with the heart: living pictures that carry us beyond the sensory world and unite thinking and willing. They offer a contribution towards intuitive living. When we hear phrases like “living thinking,” “artistic thinking,” or “imaginative/intuitive thinking,” they sound strange at first. However, it...
Anthroposophy in places around the world faces challenges with respect to the culture of those particular places. One such place...
Charged with a significant task by the first head of the Mathematics and Astronomy section, Elisabeth Vreede, Willi Sucher devoted...
When, in 1924, student Rudolf Hauschka asked Rudolf Steiner his most important question, “Doctor, what is life?”, he did not get a defining answer but a task: “Study rhythms—rhythm carries life.” Steiner’s lecture series Geisteswissenschaftliche Menschenkunde (Spiritual-Scientific Anthropology/Knowledge of Man, GA 107), contains essential information on this subject, especially in...
The fundamental difference between spiritual and sensory perception is apparent: with the latter, it is always possible—due to external solidity—to...
“If colleague Z says one thing, I can guarantee that colleague Y will say the opposite in response; and if...
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