Shortly after Rudolf Steiner’s death, the art critic Max Osborn recounted an incident during his time as editor of the...
At the start of a new term in 2017, the leaders of the Agriculture Section at that time, Jean-Michel Florin...
Stewart Lundy is a biodynamic farmer, researcher, and writer from the United States. In this interview with Charles Cross, he...
Two volumes from Steiner’s Collected Works, GA 250 and GA 251, were published relatively recently in German, (in 2020 and...
A news item, “History Classes That Speak to Our Times,” featuring Michael Zech, professor at Alanus University and history teacher...
A review of the play Fire in the Temple, performed in the USA. The year 2023 marked a significant step...
In his opening remarks for the 7th annual MysTech conference held in August 2023, founder Andrew Linnell described the American...
For 25 years, Ilse Wellershoff-Schuur has been working with Arab and Jewish partners from Galilee to create a meeting place...
On the Background to the “Questionnaire” of 1892 One of the circles of friends that Rudolf Steiner belonged to in...
Last September, a Michaelmas event was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with the goal of bringing art and spirituality together. The...
On the path towards self-knowledge, the distinction between, and integration of, individuality and identity is essential to deepening engagement in...
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