The third of this four-part series further explores a resolution to the paradox of intellectual materialism. It leads to a...
Children love to play the game of asking «Why?» without end. Perhaps this is the beginning of the scientific mind....
Modern science has taken on such a stature that it is rare to seriously question its fundamental assumptions. Here, Matthew Kenyon, a senior technologist at NASA‘s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and longtime student of anthroposophy, explicates the core, untenable paradox of modern science: that it doesn’t understand its primary tool, thought. This...
Intellectual materialism denies intuition and its connection to spirit, but by asking questions of “why” rather than just “what” or...
Matthew E. Kenyon is a lifelong student of Rudolf Steiner as well as a Ph.D. physicist who has worked for...
Biodiversity is a hot topic in academia today. It seems that wherever civilization spreads, species diversity dwindles—natural habitats are lost, and the landscape becomes fragmented. If nature reflects our thinking, can we change this? On one hand, with the loss of natural habitats, environmental toxins, introduction of foreign species, hunting,...
The fact that all living beings, from humans to single-celled organisms, share not only the earth but also its life...
The more diverse a meadow is, the more stable its identity. That makes sense to us. But what shapes our...
On May 14, the Day of Phenomenology took place for the second time to ensure more awareness of phenomenology among the Dutch public. This day was the ‹crowning achievement› of our Goetheanistic phenomenological courses, which we have been conducting for laypeople for five years on topics such as plants, trees,...
Below are responses to questions that may naturally arise from the content of the author’s pervious essay, ‹Modern Cosmology is...
Chemistry and the social sciences belong together. Reality emerges from the combination of different perspectives. In the third natural science...
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