Growth in knowledge enables us to perceive the weaknesses of other people much more clearly than before and, depending on...
We, the living, are always present for the deceased. We should never forget that. Their world encompasses ours; our world...
I Not being reconciled with oneself is a well-known condition. It describes our usual relationship with ourselves. We should not accept it, but the veils with which we are concealed from ourselves are numerous and difficult to penetrate. Our knowledge about ourselves is limited. My beginning, the paths I have...
To become friends, we need to get to know each other. This is the point invoked in the famous scene...
The fundamental difference between spiritual and sensory perception is apparent: with the latter, it is always possible—due to external solidity—to...
Conscience and devotion are two themes that weave into Saint John’s—but how do they weave into each other? When, in the ecstasy of the light and the warmth of the sun, the senses and the soul move out, expand, ‘lose themselves’ and we unite more with the selflessly becoming world,...
King Lear is not an ordinary royal drama but—like Hamlet and Macbeth—a tragedy with archetypal images. Behind these images, historical...
In his Notebook #210, Rudolf Steiner writes about a combinatorics of body, soul, and spirit that would be suitable for...
As part of its series on Humanity, Development and the Future, the Mahle Foundation invited the philosopher and journalist Alexander Grau, who has been critical for some time of the current “hypermorality”. Grau speaks of the victory of morality over reason and wonders if we are dealing with a modern...
Car, motorcycle, electric bike, and on foot – these are the different methods of transport available to me for my...
Or: What do I actually want to say? Correctly gendered text, inclusive language, racism, feminism — it’s not often that...
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