Peace is when I can let go of this: the craving for ego, the longing for the mother’s breast. Peace...
Older Christian tradition considered human beings to be connected to the world in two ways. As ‹creatures of nature›, human...
As comrades of fate, whether local or migrated, we have to take on the heavy legacy that the Millennial Empire has left behind after only twelve years. It is the worst legacy survivors have ever inherited, yet it must be faced. Instead of soldiers’ courage, the German now has to...
Do you know the exhaustion where you can no longer see clearly? You run through the world, and you don’t...
«Who is he up there?« ask visitors, pointing to the small winged creature that Rudolf Steiner recently placed at the...
Thee heaven appears in ‹Faust› three times: at the beginning, when God and Mephisto negotiate the soul of Faust, at the end when Faust ascends, and in the middle when Gretchen calls the heavenly ones to herself in the dungeon. It is the way from the fatherly, ordering heaven to...
Our life begins in pain and often ends in it. Pain is a faithful companion. It takes hold of our...
Aesthetic education has three meanings. To start, it means education through a high proportion of artistic activities. Every child that...
Robinson Crusoe befriends a ‹savage›. In the existentialism of his situation, he overcomes the cultural boundaries that would have made ‹Friday› a slave. He gains a human friend. When a young acquaintance suddenly had a tumor in her head, all our quarrels became null and void. Our trivialities and emotional...
I am no longer the child who looked at the camera from the changing table 50 years ago. But I...
«It seems that mechanical-technical civilization is primarily deadly for the soul. The heart can hardly bear the icy touch of...
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