In Britain, Rudolf Steiner’s impulse is transforming the lives of children and young people with learning differences and difficulties. For...
The American poet Robert Frost (1874–1963), revered and celebrated in his homeland, would have been 150 years old on March...
Urphänomen is an online spiritual scientific research guild and reading group led by Matthew D. Segall and Ashton K. Arnoldy of the California Institute of Integral Studies. Last fall, the group studied Rudolf Steiner’s Interdisciplinary Astronomy lecture series. Here they reflect on the value of group study and on the...
Shortly after Rudolf Steiner’s death, the art critic Max Osborn recounted an incident during his time as editor of the...
The angel’s color on the edge of early morning clouds is like a first tender “Let there be.” One creative...
In cyclic causality, the effects themselves become the cause of the causes. The view from the center—a summation of all genes, that is, the genome—belongs together with the view from the periphery—the living proteins of the cell, the tissues, the organs, the interrelationships within the organism, and the organism’s embeddedness...
A touching collection of memories, written by his colleagues at Rudolf Steiner Archive after his unexpected death this autumn, reveals...
Hanns Dieter Hüsch was a German poetic cabaret artist, book author, and actor. He was born the year Rudolf Steiner...
When I make my way through a bewildering landscape, after a long and strenuous effort, and can survey the whole scene from atop a mountain peak, many things become clear—almost as if in one fell swoop. Some things I had to laboriously explore “down below”; others were not even on...
Through his experience of the sentient- and intellectual-soul dispositions of the northern and southern streams of medieval Europe, as expressed...
Herein lies the paramount importance of memory as the stepping-stone from sentient to intellectual soul. Memory, as the German word...
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