The Wandering School

Aichelberg, Germany. The aim of the Wanderschule (the Wandering or Hiking School) is to enable people around the world who are interested in biodynamics to produce their own biodynamic products in a self-empowered and responsible way. An interview with Eva Gehr, winemaker, agronomist, and managing director of the initiative.

What is the intention behind the Wanderschule?

The Wanderschule is a group of advisors for biodynamic agriculture. We are active internationally and go to people who are interested in biodynamic agriculture and who want to learn about it and deepen their knowledge. From our own experience we know the limited possibilities of a single advisor. That is why we want to work differently—to offer training, facilitate contacts, and promote exchange. Our consulting concept is based on empowering people on the ground and developing projects and organizations to support a growing movement. Above all, however, we also want to learn from each other and empower and integrate the next generation. Local players are involved in all activities.

Which projects are you currently supporting?

Our work is currently focused on Eastern Europe. We recently successfully completed an EU project. We have prepared and qualified young advisors from five Eastern European countries for their future advisory work in transnational training courses. In our recently launched project on biodynamic viticulture, we want to learn from the success stories of Eastern European pioneers in order to offer targeted training courses adapted to local conditions in the respective national language for winegrowers interested in converting to biodynamic viticulture.

What does the cooperation look like in concrete terms?

As a rule, we look for funding for the respective projects. This means that not all costs have to be borne by Eastern Europe and we can support initiatives or respond to bottlenecks and bring people together. We involve local organizations, key people, and committed individuals who acquire sound knowledge using the train-the-trainer method and gain experience for their own advisory work.

More The Wanderschule

Translation Charles Cross
Image At the international consultant training course in Slovenia; Photo: Eva Gehr

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