Once a year, often on a day determined by religion and tradition, the community of the living commemorates the community...
On Christmas Eve, a child is born into the world. Not only that—a star rises. He is the star that...
The anniversary of the founding of the General Anthroposophical Society and the School of Spiritual Science 100 years ago inspired...
A touching collection of memories, written by his colleagues at Rudolf Steiner Archive after his unexpected death this autumn, reveals...
Finally, after seven years and after coronavirus, people from the anthroposophical movement came together again at the Goetheanum at Michaelmas....
At the core of anthroposophic medicine is the view that we human beings carry the destiny of humanity in our...
Markus Sommer and Georg Soldner spoke, in alternating dialogue, about the human immune system. Forty years ago, when they were...
The immune system develops through relationships. Growing up, from conception to puberty, we need a strong social “womb“ for lifelong...
Bridging the gap between the I and the body means guiding the higher I into life—a biographical, therapeutic, and Christian...
In the famous first conversation between Goethe and Schiller on July 20, 1794, Goethe outlined his perception of the “archetypal...
Anthroposophy is not about repeating what others have said in the past without investigating it oneself, but about constantly developing...
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