The World Teachers’ Conference dedicated both a forum and a working group to education for a digital world. Children and...
In late March, a group of technology leaders, including Elon Musk, signed an open letter calling for safeguards and regulations...
On September 30th, Tesla exhibited the first prototypes of its humanoid robot ‹Optimus Prime›. According to the company, this robot could become its most important product and was so ambitious that in the future, Elon Musk says, it could add considerably to the size of the real global economy. Is...
Technology is an expression of human nature. From the very beginning of their appearance on earth, humans have invented technical...
…and when he sought to quench his thirst, another thirst arose; and when he drank, he was captivated by the...
Although technology has transformed nearly every aspect of contemporary life, politics has only been revolutionized indirectly. It’s time we consider new systems. Democracy has a noble objective – to encourage participation in the collective decision-making process. For centuries, that’s functionally required representatives – politicians – with the rare exemptions of...
The English edition of the Goetheanum’s ‹Wochenschrift› (Weekly Journal) has been running for ten months now, and every week there...
The scandalous crisis of the cryptocurrency market is progressing rapidly. On November 8th, it became known that the well-known stock...
Astral Arc is a new YouTube channel created with the intention to bring young people towards the work of Rudolf Steiner through conversations, artistic work and resources. This channel was created so that it could be a presence in the online space for those searching for connections to spiritual work...
500,000 people have looked at Caroline Kube’s fingers showing how to crochet a potholder with a waffle pattern. These half-million...
A talk originally given as part of the 100th Commemoration of the Economics Course held by the Economics Conference of...
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