In this summer’s globally successful film productions, Barbie and Oppenheimer, darkness and brightness, depth and surface confront each other. It...
May 27, 2020
Editor-in-Chief of the weekly journal ‹Das Goetheanum› and studied Waldorf education and mathematics. He publishes on life issues, is the author of the Sternenkalender [Star calendar], leads study trips, and is a dramaturge at the Goetheanum Stage. He has three grown-up daughters.
If someone walked day and night for a whole year, they could walk around the Earth. This idea has been...
In keeping with the theme of the 2023 annual conference of the Medical Section, the speech and language therapists dedicated...
The other day, we were looking at photos from our vacation, and one had slipped in of grandma and grandpa...
“Everyone has a right to a clean and healthy environment.” That’s what the constitution of the U.S. state of Montana...
What is important when one wants to advocate for the spiritual view—to awaken an understanding or at least a willingness...
The similarity in sound and etymology of the words ‘healing’ and ‘hallowing’ point to much that medicine and religion have...
The College of Teachers of Religion at Waldorf Schools addressed an interested general audience during this year’s conference at the...
“I dreamed of being the first black female rock’n’roll singer to fill stadiums like the Stones!” recalls Tina Turner. And...
Parties in conflict agree to enter into peace negotiations if they expect to gain more from them than from a...
In his Notebook #210, Rudolf Steiner writes about a combinatorics of body, soul, and spirit that would be suitable for...
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