Philmont, New York. The art of transforming fear. In 1918, at the end of the First World War, Rudolf Steiner...
In October, the Goetheanum will launch a new artistic course of study in sculpture, architecture, and painting (one trimester each)...
Alongside the many one-hundred-year anniversaries in different anthroposophical fields, this year marks a century since Rudolf Steiner gave Henni Geck his last painting sketches, which have been a cornerstone of anthroposophical art trainings. Here, Van James tells us of the ways this centennial and other important anniversaries have been celebrated...
Urphänomen is an online spiritual scientific research guild and reading group led by Matthew D. Segall and Ashton K. Arnoldy...
Shortly after Rudolf Steiner’s death, the art critic Max Osborn recounted an incident during his time as editor of the...
The angel’s color on the edge of early morning clouds is like a first tender “Let there be.” One creative heart beats in the sound of the wind and the murmur of our blood. Leaves on the trees protect the bones from too much nakedness. The Word is broken into...
A review of the play Fire in the Temple, performed in the USA. The year 2023 marked a significant step...
If the first Goetheanum is an architectural image of inner development, the second calls on us to combine inner training...
In cyclic causality, the effects themselves become the cause of the causes. The view from the center—a summation of all genes, that is, the genome—belongs together with the view from the periphery—the living proteins of the cell, the tissues, the organs, the interrelationships within the organism, and the organism’s embeddedness...
Last September, a Michaelmas event was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with the goal of bringing art and spirituality together. The...
A touching collection of memories, written by his colleagues at Rudolf Steiner Archive after his unexpected death this autumn, reveals...
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