The World Association of Puppetry and Storytelling Arts (WAPASA) wants to use puppetry to contribute to more peace in the...
Christiane Haid, Bodo von Plato, Angèle Ruchti, Iftach Ben Aharon, Tania Mierau, Coralee Frederickson and Yaike Dunselman·
At the 2023 Goetheanum World Conference, the Visual Arts Section, the Section for the Performing Arts, and the Section for...
All that is good, beautiful, and true comes in threes—sweet, salty, and sour; heads, hands, and hearts; darkness, light, and color. And stories, so they say, do too. One—the Beginning: Setting the Stage Once upon a time, there was a village built on a long-forgotten sacred site, surrounded by a...
Philmont, New York. Ceramist and dancer Miranda Busansky is trying out the new residency program of the anthroposophical education initiative...
Philmont, New York. Starting in January 2025, the anthroposophical education initiative Free Columbia will offer three-month residencies for music and...
Kassel, Germany. Christoph Quadflieg, curative educator, singing teacher, choirmaster, and singer, ran Sing’in at Kassel Central Station this summer, a store where people can experience their musicality. In this interview, he talks about the initiative. What is your intention at Sing’in? I would like to create a place where all...
We have made a pact with the heavens—each human being for themselves. We must remain faithful to it. This is...
The Bavarian singer-songwriter Werner Schmidbauer calls himself a “collector of moments” [Momentensammler] in his song of the same name. This...
What is delicate and vulnerable finds an initial expression in pink. A shade further is peach blossom, which is related to human incarnation. In conversation with Christiane Haid, this special colour appears as a threshold between spirit and matter. Gilda Bartel asked the questions. What is your relationship with the...
Goethe maintained a lifelong interest in foreign cultures, particularly in their literature. He engaged deeply with the “oriental,” Indian, Chinese,...
Spannum, Netherlands. With the artwork Guernica de la Ecología, sponsored by the Iona Stichting, artist and activist Claudy Jongstra makes...
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