In their sleep, human beings enter a world from which they supply their life body with the forces that strive...
Gravity is the law of the earth. It is the law of realization and load. People who can gently carry...
It starts with me, but it’s not about me. In considering our personal relationship to the world, we usually discover the possibility and perhaps the necessity of qualitative ‹self-optimization›, not only the quantitative increase of our cognitive, emotional, and volitional abilities. On the one hand, this presupposes a certain degree...
A conversation about global and personal steps with the architect, entrepreneur, and sustainability researcher Thomas Rau. The questions asked by...
Artistic activity familiarises us with creative processes. In Anthroposophy they are not put in a museum but provide inspiration in...
Children have always been close to my heart. But I would also have liked to become a painter. I feel it is a missed opportunity in this life. If I could choose now and start anew, I would choose both: child welfare and painting. With a proper education – the...
Artist and educator Laura Summer has opened various online courses for enthusiastic painters. After her surprisingly positive experience during the...
Since the fall of 2015, a dozen young artists and cultural professionals from Germany and Switzerland have been meeting with...
«Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.» Gerard Way In the Vana Parva of The Mahabharata, Yudhishthra is banished twice from his kingdom along with his brothers and wife, the second time for a period of 14 years. Overcome with shame and grief, he tells the visiting Sage Bhrihadsva...
In the context of the present dire world situation, in which we witness ever-present threats of destruction and darkness, thoughts...
Rhythmic processes can be understood as vibrational phenomena, as they are also described physically using the example of mechanical vibrations....
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