In this summer’s globally successful film productions, Barbie and Oppenheimer, darkness and brightness, depth and surface confront each other. It...
Herein lies the paramount importance of memory as the stepping-stone from sentient to intellectual soul. Memory, as the German word...
Through his experience of the sentient- and intellectual-soul dispositions of the northern and southern streams of medieval Europe, as expressed in their poetic traditions, the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer set the stage for the language of the consciousness soul in his time. Clifford Venho takes us on a journey through...
Often, even just a few days after September 29, we forget about Michaelmas. But the deeper atmosphere of this festival...
When I make my way through a bewildering landscape, after a long and strenuous effort, and can survey the whole...
Hanns Dieter Hüsch was a German poetic cabaret artist, book author, and actor. He was born the year Rudolf Steiner died [1925] and went on to narrate the century on a thousand small stages and late-night TV programs. The titles of his books portray his spirit: Das Schwere leicht gesagt...
A touching collection of memories, written by his colleagues at Rudolf Steiner Archive after his unexpected death this autumn, reveals...
Last September, a Michaelmas event was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with the goal of bringing art and spirituality together. The...
In cyclic causality, the effects themselves become the cause of the causes. The view from the center—a summation of all genes, that is, the genome—belongs together with the view from the periphery—the living proteins of the cell, the tissues, the organs, the interrelationships within the organism, and the organism’s embeddedness...
If the first Goetheanum is an architectural image of inner development, the second calls on us to combine inner training...
A review of the play Fire in the Temple, performed in the USA. The year 2023 marked a significant step...
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