The Mysteries of Eleusis, located near Athens, can be thought of as the “Mysteries of Mysteries.” Its cult was based on the myth of the abduction of Persephone by Hades, the god of the underworld; the mourning of her mother Demeter; the resulting barrenness of the Earth; and the renewal...
The thinking of Paul of Tarsus has come down to us in his letters written in ancient Greek. To understand them in depth, one must go back to this original source. Olivier Coutris has done this, revealing the first philosophy of freedom in Christian history. This sophisticated philosophy of freedom,...
The Mysteries of Eleusis, located near Athens, can be thought of as the “Mysteries of Mysteries.” Its cult was based on the myth of the abduction of Persephone by Hades, the god of the underworld; the mourning of her mother...
The thinking of Paul of Tarsus has come down to us in his letters written in ancient Greek. To understand them in depth, one must go back to this original source. Olivier Coutris has done this, revealing the first philosophy...
Aina Bergsma, Jon McAlice, Konstanze Brefin Alt, Günther Dellbrügger, Hao Bu, Isabell Klara, Bastiaan Baan, Vesna Forštnerič Lesjak, Hanna Sharma, Bonnie Baker, John Bloom and Christine Gruwez··
A year of uncertainty draws to a close, and on Christmas Eve, the stream of crises and catastrophes fades into the silence of the Holy Nights. This hiatus in time opens up a space into which the future can be...
On October 5, 2024, the foundation of the 12th Section for Inclusive Social Development at the Goetheanum took place amidst a festive and joyful atmosphere. The separation of this new Section from the Medical Section enables greater visibility and strength...
Signs of the Times
For several centuries, scientific materialism neglected the experiential presuppositions of its own research activities, striving to achieve an outside, disembodied,...
This year, at Christmas time and again at Easter, Mars passes through the cosmic place of incarnation to inspire the...
Has Big Tech replaced capitalism with a new, even more exploitative system, “cloudalism”? That’s what former Greek finance minister Yanis...
Signs of the Times
For several centuries, scientific materialism neglected the experiential presuppositions of its own research activities, striving to achieve an outside, disembodied, “God’s eye view” of the universe. In their recent book, The Blind Spot, astrophysicist Adam Frank, theoretical physicist Marcelo Gleiser, and philosopher Evan Thompson offer a philosophical intervention into modern...
This year, at Christmas time and again at Easter, Mars passes through the cosmic place of incarnation to inspire the will. The arc of the sun reached its lowest position for the northern hemisphere on the winter solstice, December 21st. However, if you are an observer of twilight, you might...
Has Big Tech replaced capitalism with a new, even more exploitative system, “cloudalism”? That’s what former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis claims in his book Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism. According to Varoufakis, the cloudalists—big tech companies such as Meta, Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, etc.—have amassed huge amounts of cloud capital that...
Dialogues · Reviews · Notes
Menstruation is a mysterious process of the female organism that is seldom talked about, even among women. To understand why, it’s worth taking a look at its cultural history. The flow of blood and the...
In her search for recovery and an inner home, Marion von der Wense was inspired to create a new and free soul calendar. Within the rhythm of her female cycle, she experienced constant inner renewal,...
Kenyan performer and masterful drummer, Augustus Mutua, with his initiative, Waldorfy Creatives, adds the richness of African music and dance to an anthroposophic pedagogical approach to teaching. I have been a Waldorf class teacher and...
Josphat Gogani’s journey from a small village in Kenya to his current role at the Nairobi Waldorf School is a testament to the power of resilience, compassion, and the belief that every child has the...
Quotes · Poetry · Thoughts
There is not much left to see of ancient Eleusis, northwest of Athens. Most of...
A faith that moves mountains, speaking with the tongues of angels—without love, these are nothing....
New Year’s Eve is not just a matter of the date in an externally conceived...
Dialogues · Reviews · Notes
Menstruation is a mysterious process of the female organism that is seldom talked about, even among women. To understand why, it’s worth taking a look at its cultural history. The...
In her search for recovery and an inner home, Marion von der Wense was inspired to create a new and free soul calendar. Within the rhythm of her female cycle,...
Kenyan performer and masterful drummer, Augustus Mutua, with his initiative, Waldorfy Creatives, adds the richness of African music and dance to an anthroposophic pedagogical approach to teaching. I have been...
Josphat Gogani’s journey from a small village in Kenya to his current role at the Nairobi Waldorf School is a testament to the power of resilience, compassion, and the belief...
Quotes · Poetry · Thoughts
“Human” is a dance project that pupils and students developed together with...
The unique Association of Space Explorers has 400 members. They are united...
“The authors of this volume, led by Peter Selg, have succeeded in...
The fairy tale in this issue speaks of three brothers: “Faith,” “Love,”...
Research - Initiatives - Life
Nagomari, Georgia. Mikhail Starostin studies, teaches and lives in the community of...
Düsseldorf, Germany. The artist’s place of work is open for tours. The...
Ytterjärna, Sweden. An inclusive conference as a space for participation. Adult education...
Kyiv, Ukraine. The beginning of the Youth for Peace initiative. The genesis...
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