In grappling with the incomprehensible and horrific events in Israel and Gaza that began in October 2023, Iftach Ben Aharon...
Once a year, often on a day determined by religion and tradition, the community of the living commemorates the community...
A panel discussion on dealing with presents for children. From October 2023 to March 2024, the “Kind im Glück” [Happy...
For 25 years, Ilse Wellershoff-Schuur has been working with Arab and Jewish partners from Galilee to create a meeting place...
Ethical AI? “[T]o understand something or someone so completely that the observer becomes a part of the observed—to merge, blend,...
Aleksandra Domańska used to work as a manager at the Polish branch of the chemical and pharmaceutical company Bayer. Today,...
A Course in the Goethean Approach to Nature This December, The Nature Institute in upstate New York will continue a...
In cyclic causality, the effects themselves become the cause of the causes. The view from the center—a summation of all...
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