Mindful Tasting

Darmstadt, Germany and Corinth, Greece. From 10 to 15 June, the Israeli educational initiative Adama Haya is organizing a course in Greece on quality testing in the biodynamic production of olive oil. Part of the course program is a workshop on the Empathic Food Test, which measures the emotional and body effects of food. An interview with the agronomist and developer of the method, Uwe Geier.

Where are methods for measuring food-induced emotions used?

Methods for measuring food-induced emotions are mainly used in consumer research and product development. The first publication on this was in 2010, which means that the topic is fairly new in science. In 2016, we published our own approach, called Empathic Food Testing. A unique feature of our method is the mindful attunement of the test subjects via a physical walk. This enables more precise measurements of the effects of food.

How does the Empathic Food Testing method work?

It is a method of mindful food tasting. Food effects on physical and emotional well-being, such as lightness and heaviness, warmth and cold, relaxation and restlessness, are recorded. Product tests and seminars are offered. The product tests are formally based on sensory tests (on taste, aroma, and mouthfeel). Groups of trained or untrained test persons test coded samples using a standardized questionnaire. The seminars are primarily about experiencing the effects of food on physical and emotional well-being.

What can participants expect from your olive oil workshop?

The aim of every Empathic Food Testing seminar is self-empowerment. Participants get to know their own perceptive faculties better and thus increase their ability to judge the effects of food. At the same time, a new level of food quality is experienced. With regard to the olive oil seminar, the aim is to get to know the typical effects of olive oil in comparison with other foods and oils and to learn how to describe them. By taking a detailed look at differently cultivated and processed olive oils, the seminar will also provide information on how to improve olive oil quality.

More Adama Haya and EmpathicFoodTest

Translation Charles Cross
Image Uwe Geier, Photo: Research ring

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